AAWAA Women’s Summit 2024, Canberra: Draft program

Planning for the inaugural AAWAA Summit (Friday 4 – Saturday 5 October) is well underway and the program is looking fantastic, with talks and workshops covering practical activism, supporting women’s liberation, writing submissions, and much more. View our draft program below.

The aims of the summit are for women to walk away knowing they have the tools, skills, resources, support, and safety to join with other women to effectively advocate for women and girls. We also hope that through the summit, women will develop supportive connections that we can draw upon in our activism and advocacy efforts.

Want to attend? Email us (womensactionall@gmail.com) and we will add you to our mailing list. Feel free to invite a friend also to email us. Lunch and morning and afternoon teas will be provided, with both gluten-free and vegan options.

Please note that attendees will be vetted.

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